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A Flutter project for beginner to start contributing in this Hacktoberfest.


How to Contribute

## Prerequisites


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone the repo
    git clone<your-username>/hacktoberfest21-flutter-gdsc-iiitv
  3. Change Directory to hacktoberfest21-flutter-gdsc-iiitv , using cd hacktoberfest21-flutter-gdsc-iiitv

  4. Create a branch named feature-{github-username}, using git checkout -b feature-{github-username}

  5. Open the current directory in your editor.

  6. Add your data in ‘data.json’ file in given format
             "id": prev +1,
             "name": "<Your Name>",
             "batch": "<Your Batch>",
             "imgURL": "<Your Image URL>",
             "linkedinURL":"<Your LinkedIN profile URL>",
             "githubURL": "<Your GitHub profile URL>",
             "twitterURL": "<Your Twitter Profile URL>"
  7. Commit the Changes and make a PR and wait it to get merged

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