Parth Gupta

Faculty Associate

Academic Qualifications

PhD (pursuing), Computer Science, Technical University of Valencia (UPV), Spain

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Research interests

Information retrieval, machine learning, data science


Work Experience

  • Researcher, PRHLT Research Center, UPV, Valencia, Spain (2011-15)
  • Applied Scientist (Visitor), Microsoft Bing, London, UK (May-Aug, 2015)
  • Research Intern, Microsoft Research, Bangalore, India (June-Sept, 2014)
  • Visiting Researcher, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore (Jan-Aug, 2013)
  • Research Intern, FBK Research Center, Trento, Italy (Sept-Oct, 2012)
  • Mentor, Xapain Search Engine Library, Google Summer of Codes (May-Aug, 2012, 2014, 2016)

Selected Publications

  • Parth Gupta, Rafael E. Banchs, Paolo Rosso: Squeezing bottlenecks: Exploring the limits of autoencoder semantic representation capabilities. Neurocomputing 175: 1001-1008 (2016)
  • Parth Gupta, Marta Costa-jussa Ruiz, Paolo Rosso, Rafael Banchs: A Deep Source-Context Feature for Lexical Selection in Statistical Machine Translation. Pattern Recognition Letters (accepted) (2016)
  • Parth Gupta, Kalika Bali, Rafael E. Banchs, Monojit Choudhury, Paolo Rosso: Query expansion for mixed-script information retrieval. SIGIR 2014: 677-686
  • Parth Gupta, Paolo Rosso: deeExpected Divergence Based Feature Selection for Learning to Rank. COLING 2012: 431-440