Naveen Kumar

Faculty Associate

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD (Pursuing) DA-IICT Gandhinagar
  • MTech, GGSIPU Delhi

Email :
Phone : +91-8000086132

Research Interests

Information security and privacy, access control, key management, cloud security.

Work Experience

Jul 2015 onwards Faculty Associate at IIIT Vadodara.
Mar. 2013 - Jun. 2015

Teaching Assistant at DAIICT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Taken independent course of "OOPs using Java" in MDes programme.

Oct. 2009 - Mar. 2013

Research Associate, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Worked on Indo-Japan co-operative project sponsored by DST, Govt. of India.

Title: "Security proofs and multidisciplinary evaluation for dynamic hierarchical key assignment schemes."

Mar. 2007 - Oct. 2009 Assistant Professor, Galgotias College of Engg. & Tech., Gr. Noida, India.
Oct. 2004 - Mar. 2007 Senior Lecturer, IEC College of Engg. & Tech., Gr. Noida, India
Aug. 2001 - May 2004 Lecturer, Kalka Institute for Research and Advanced Studies, New Delhi, India.


  • Anil Mundra, Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria and Manik Lal Das. "Detecting flaws in dynamic hierarchical key management schemes using specification animation". CSI Journal of Computing, vol. 1, No. 02, pp. 73-79, ISSN 2277-6702, 2012. Link: " Article-9-1-2-75-82.pdf"
  • Anil Mundra, Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria, T. Matsuda and K. Matsuura. "Two views on hierarchical key assignment schemes". Security Management, Journal of Japan Society of Security Management, Vol. 25, No. 3, pages 40-51, March 2012.
  • Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria and Maniklal Das. "Achieving Forward Secrecy and Unlinkability in Cloud-based Personal Health Record System". Accepted in "14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications" (IEEE TrustCom'15), Helsinki, Finland, 20-22 August, 2015.
  • Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria and Maniklal Das. "Comparison of Key Management Hierarchies for Access Control in Cloud". "Third International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications" (SSCC'15), SCMS Kerala, 10-13 August, 2015.
  • Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria, Maniklal Das and Kanta Matsuura. "An Efficient Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme". Ninth International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS'13), ISI Kolkata, 16-20 December, 2013.
  • Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria, Manik Lal Das and Kanta Matsuura. "Improving Security and Efficiency of Time-Bound Access to Outsourced Data". Sixth ACM India Computing Convention: Next generation information, computing and security (Compute'13), VIT University, Vellore, 2013.
  • Anil Mundra, Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria, Takahiro Matsuda, and Kanta Matsuura, "A Killer Application of Dependent Key Assignment Schemes: Secure Outsourced Data on Cloud", Sixth International Workshop on Security (IWSEC), Tokyo Japan, November 2011.
  • Naveen Kumar, Anish Mathuria and Manik Lal Das. "On Classifying Indirect key Assignment Scheme for Hierarchical Access Control". Proceedings of Tenth National Workshop on Cryptology, PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore and CRSI, India, pages 133-139, ISBN:978-81-907929-4-3, September 2010.

Additional Information

International exposure
  • Oct-Dec 2012 Matsuura Lab, Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan.
  • Jan-Mar 2010 Matsuura Lab, Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan.
Reviewer/Program committee member

ICCCA2015, ICCCS2015, ICCCA2016.

Major Subjects Taught

Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Introduction to Cryptography, Automata theory, Computer Networks, Object Oriented Programming.